Sunday, 22 June 2014

INFO: Panduan membeli insurans

- Pastikan anda membeli daripada syarikat insurans berlesen dan ejen insurans yang sah. 
- Buat perbandingan kadar premium. 
- Fahami had perlindungan, terma dan syarat polisi. 
- Pilih polisi asas dan mampu. 
- Periksa tarikh kuat kuasa insuran.
- Isi borang permohonan dengan teliti. 
- Pastikan premium dibayar kepada syarikat insurans dan bukan ejen. 
- Baca dan fahami polisi anda apabila anda menerimanya. 

Sila hubungi saya untuk keterangan lanjut dan quotation secara percuma.. 
Mohd Asyran Bin Mohd Noor 
Wealth Planner, 
Muqmeen Group, 
PruBSN Takaful.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Pelan Polisi RM1 Juta adalah pelan perlindungan nyawa sehingga RM1 Juta dan ini adalah cara pantas untuk meninggalkan sejumlah harta kepada keluarga anda selepas ketiadaan anda. 

Pelan ini amat berguna kepada mereka yang mempunyai banyak aset. Contohnya, mereka yang mempunyai rumah atau hutang sehingga bernilai RM1 Juta atau lebih. Dengan adanya perlindungan sebanyak ini, keluarga anda dapat menjelaskan segala hutang yang masih belum diselesaikan selepas ketiadaan anda. 

Terdapat juga segelintir dermawan kaya di mana mereka mengambil pelan ini untuk menyediakan saham akhirat untuk mereka di mana mereka mahukan khairat kematian sehingga RM1 Juta ini diberikan kepada badan-badan amal yang telah diwariskan selepas ketiadaan mereka. 

Dapatkan quotation PERCUMA untuk mengetahui caruman yang perlu dibayar. Isikan maklumat di dalam borang quotation/sebut harga.

Mohd Asyran Bin Mohd Noor
Wealth Planner,
Muqmeen Group,
PruBSN Takaful.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Sebut Harga...

Kepada Sesiapa yg berminat utk mengetahui berapakah sumbangan bulanan yg sesuai keatasnya, bolehlah mengisi borang sebut harga ini...FOC!
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Can You Afford to Fall Sick These Days?

Advanced medical development and technology that deal with the rapid emergence of new and complicated illnesses come at a price. It is estimated that the global medical inflation averages about, 10% each year.

In Malaysia, medical inflation is estimated to be around 15%. More than 36,000 Malaysians failed to settle their high medical debts and had to refer to the Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK). (Source: The Star, 14th March 2009 & Utusan Malaysia, 20th September 2011)

Adding to the escalating costs of living and children’s education, you and your loved ones could suffer tremendous financial hardship if you do not plan for your hospitalization expenses now. The truth is, a completely unforeseen and unavoidable operation may sometimes dry up your entire savings.

PruBSN Takaful medical card which gives you and your family a peace of mind with high quality and comprehensive coverage when you need it the most!

Kemajuan dalam teknologi perubatan yang berkait rapat dengan kemunculan penyakit-penyakit berbahaya masa kini perlu dibayar dengan harga yang tinggi. Kadar inflasi perubatan sedunia telah dianggarkan kira-kira 10% setiap tahun.

Di Malaysia, kadar inflasi perubatan dianggarkan sebanyak 15%. Lebih 36,000 rakyat negara ini menanggung beban hutang yang tinggi sehingga terpaksa merujuk kepada Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) akibat gagal melunaskan hutang rawatan perubatan. (Sumber: The Star, 14 Mac 2009 & Utusan Malaysia, 20 September 2011)

Ditambah pula dengan kos sara hidup dan pendidikan anak-anak yang semakin meningkat, anda dan orang tersayang mungkin terpaksa menanggung kesempitan kewangan jika anda tidak merancang perbelanjaan hospital dari sekarang. Hakikatnya ialah, sesuatu pembedahan yang langsung tidak dijangka dan tidak dapat dielakkan sama sekali kadangkala boleh melenyapkan keseluruhan simpanan anda.

Kad perubatan PruBSN Takaful memberikan anda dan keluarga anda satu ketenangan dengan perlindungan komprehensif dan berkualiti apabila anda benar-benar memerlukannya!

Mohd Asyran Bin Mohd Noor
Weath Planner
Prudential BSN Takaful
Al-Isra' Associates Sdn Bhd

Friday, 18 April 2014

What is takaful?

The general takaful concept is you contribute a sum of money to a takaful fund in the form of participative contribution (tabarru’). You will undertake a contract (aqad) for you to become one of the participants by agreeing to mutually help each other, should any of the participants suffer any form of misfortune, either arising from death, permanent disability, loss, damage or any other such misfortunes as covered under the takaful you personally undertake.

All human activities are subject to risk of loss from unforeseen events. To alleviate this burden to individuals, what we now call insurance has existed since at least 215 BC. This concept has been practiced in various forms for over 1400 years. It originates from the Arabic word Kafalah, which means “guaranteeing each other” or “joint guarantee”. The concept is in line with the principles of compensation and shared responsibilities among the community.
Takaful originated within the ancient Arab tribes as a pooled liability that obliged those who committed offences against members of a different tribe to pay compensation to the victims or their heirs. This principle later extended to many walks of life, including sea trade, in which participants contributed to a fund to cover anyone in a group who suffered mishaps on sea voyages.

How does takaful work?
All participants (policyholders) agree to guarantee each other and, instead of paying premiums, they make contributions to a mutual fund, or pool. The pool of collected contributions creates the Takaful fund.
The amount of contribution that each participant makes is based on the type of cover they require, and on their personal circumstances. As in conventional insurance, the policy (Takaful Contract) specifies the nature of the risk and period of cover.
The Takaful fund is managed and administered on behalf of the participants by a Takaful Operator who charges an agreed fee to cover costs. These costs include the costs of sales and marketing, underwriting, and claims management.
Any claims made by participants are paid out of the Takaful fund and any remaining surpluses, after making provisions for likely cost of future claims and other reserves, belong to the participants in the fund, and not the Takaful Operator, and may be distributed to the participants in the form of cash dividends or distributions, alternatively in reduction in future contributions.

Differences between takaful and conventional insurance
The overwhelming majority of Islamic jurists have concluded that the conventional insurance contract is unacceptable to Islam, not being in conformity with the Shari’ah for the following main reasons:
1.  it includes an element of al-gharar (uncertainty)
2.  it is based on the theory and practice of interest; a conventional life insurance policy is based on interest, while an Islamic model is based on tabarru where a part of the contributions by participants are treated as donation. For this reason, policy holders in takaful are usually referred to as participants.
3.  it is a form of gambling.
First and foremost, Islamic insurance, in conformance with the Islamic Shari’ah, is a form of social solidarity (takaful), based on the principles of trusteeship and co-operation.
1.  In conventional insurance, the insured substitutes certainty for uncertainty. In return for a predetermined payment, the premium, he/she transfers to the insurer the possible economic losses from stipulated risks. In Islamic insurance, the participants share all risks mutually and no transfer of risk is involved.
2.  Conventional insurance companies are motivated by the desire for profit, while Islamic insurance companies are non-profit making, the shareholders not being entitled to share in the profits of the business although they are entitled to charge fees for their services and share in the investment returns of funds managed by them
3.  The policy-holders in a conventional insurance company have no right to vote in the elections of the directors of the company or to see the annual accounts of the company, while in Islamic companies; these facilities are available to all participants who pay a certain stipulated amount of premiums (contributions).
4.  In the takaful system, if the assured dies before the policy matures, the beneficiary is entitled to the whole amount of the premiums, the bonus and dividend and a share of the profits made over the paid premiums, plus a donation from the company out of the participants/policy-holder’s contributions given on the basis of tabarru. Such a transaction is seen as a mutual contribution towards the welfare of the helpless in society. Where the insured is still alive on the maturing of the policy, he/she is entitled to the whole amount of the premiums, a share of the profit made over the premiums, a bonus and dividends according to the company policy.
5.  In a conventional life insurance policy, the agent’s payments are paid out of the insured’s paid premiums, whereas in the Islamic model, the agents work for the company and thus are paid by the company.
6.  The insurable interest in the conventional system is usually paid to the policyholder, if he/she is alive at the expiry of the policy. If he/she dies before that date, the insurable interest is paid to the beneficiaries, who may include including family, servants, company, trustee, partners, mortgagor, etc. But under the Islamic model, the insurable interest goes to the assured or his/her heirs, according to the principles of Mirth or Wasiyyah.
“Sesungguhnya engkau tinggalkan anak dan isteri dalam keadaan kesenangan adalah lebih baik daripada engkau tinggalkan mereka dalam keadaan kesusahan dan meminta-minta.”
- dari riwayat Al-Bukhari & Muslim
source: various sources.

Mohd Asyran Bin Mohd Noor
Weath Planner
Prudential BSN Takaful
Al-Isra' Associates Sdn Bhd

Friday, 11 April 2014

Proses Kemasukan Ke Hospital Panel PruBSN Takaful

Untuk maklumat lanjut, hubungi saya..

Mohd Asyran Bin Mohd Noor
Weath Planner
Prudential BSN Takaful
Al-Isra' Associates Sdn Bhd